Canada's NDP

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Trudeau on taxing the wealthy: all talk, no action

Trudeau on taxing the wealthy:
all talk, no action

For six years now, we’ve heard Justin Trudeau say he’d make wealthy Canadians pay their fair share – with no intention of doing it. When he wanted your vote, he promised a fairer tax on the wealthy. But when the time came to actually deliver, he turned his back on you and voted against it.

Billionaires continue to see their wealth grow with government handouts and glaring tax loopholes. Meanwhile, everyday Canadians continue to get squeezed. Jagmeet and the NDP are committed to making the very wealth and corporations pay their fair share by:

  • Introducing a 1% wealth tax on fortunes over $20 million
  • Going after corporations that used government pandemic supports to pay out executive bonuses, do stock buy-backs, or pay shareholder dividends.
  • Putting in place a luxury goods tax on things like yachts and private jets.
  • Ensuring that internet giants like Facebook, Google and Amazon pay their fair share of taxes in Canada, just like every other company.

We know you’re ready for better. We’re ready too.