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October 22nd, 2013

Stephen Harper’s troubling silence on the Senate-PMO Scandal

Canadians are used to Stephen Harper being afraid of accountability and avoiding questions.

But now Conservatives are taking hiding the truth to a whole new level. Stephen Harper refused to stand up in the House of Commons and answer clear questions about Conservative Senators and the cover up.

Here are questions Leader of the Opposition Tom Mulcair asked, but the Prime Minister refused to answer.

  • Nigel Wright said to Mike Duffy and I quote, “we have been working on lines and a scenario for you that would cover all of your concerns including cash for repayment.” Who’s “we”?
  • The only person that should be answering these questions is the Prime Minister. Canadians will severely judge the Prime Minister's silence, Mr. Speaker. When the Prime Minister spoke directly to Mike Duffy, on February 13th, was Nigel Wright present?
  • I don’t know why the Prime Minister can’t tell the truth, Canadians can handle the truth. On August 21st, long after he resigned, Nigel Wright gave the RCMP a binder full of documents related to the Mike Duffy affair. What’s in the binder?
  • The only person who can answer these questions is the Prime Minister Mr. Speaker. Did the Prime Minister or anyone else in his office threaten Mike Duffy with expulsion from the Senate if he didn’t go along with the quote “cash for repayment” scheme cooked up in his office?
  • December 2012, the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff said that several senators had deals cooked up similar to that of Mike Duffy. Who were they?
  • On May 17th, when the Prime Minister kicked Pamela Wallin out of the Conservative caucus, was he aware that the audit of Pamela Wallin’s expense already turned up $40,000 on illegal spending?
  • Mr. Speaker, what changed between February 13th when the Prime Minister personally vouched for Pamela Wallin’s expenses, and May 17th, when the Prime Minister kicked Pamela Wallin out of the Conservative caucus? If the Prime Minister was not aware, as he claimed, of that $40, 000 in illegal expenses claims, then what changed?

Canadians deserve better.