September 23rd, 2020
Singh to Trudeau: Leave empty words behind, people need real action
OTTAWA – Today, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is sending a message to Justin Tudeau that people need real action to make their lives better. His empty words and broken promises have not helped anyone in Canada. The pandemic has exposed the gaps in the services people depend on and the inequalities people face. New Democrats are focused on fighting for people and the help they need.
“Today, the government delivered a throne speech filled with talk about nice things. But a throne speech is just words on paper. And this Prime Minister has shown us over and over that his actions don't match his empty words,” said Singh. “Justin Trudeau has not matched his big promises with real action to help people through this pandemic and into the recovery. Every step of the way, we had to fight for people and convince the government to work with us to deliver the help people need.”
On funding to help the safe return to school, on income support for people who lost work, on help for seniors and people living with a disability or students or small businesses – New Democrats had to fight for Canadians and the help they need. At every step, the Liberals needed to be convinced to help people.
“Throughout this crisis, people have struggled to stay employed and to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table for their families. Yet, at every step, Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government have not matched their promises with real action to help people,” added Singh. “It doesn’t need to be this way. Last week, I laid out what New Democrats will do help Canadians and shared with you our number one priority: you.”
“New Democrats are focused on fighting for people. Just as we have done every day of this pandemic. And we won’t stop fighting – for your families, for your health, for good jobs and a healthier environment. In Parliament, and every day, we are fighting for you,” said Singh.