March 25th, 2021
Report: NDP find deplorable housing conditions in Nunavut due to decades of neglect by the federal government
NDP MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq (Nunavut) released a report today highlighting the severe lack of adequate housing available in Nunavut. Qaqqaq is calling on the Liberal government to immediately invest in housing for the are so that people no longer have to endure these inhumane conditions. Everyone deserves a safe space to call home.
“This report attempts to highlight the ongoing housing needs in Nunavut and to amplify the voices of the Inuit and Nunavummiut whose pleas for safe and clean housing conditions have fallen on deaf ears for far too long,” said Qaqqaq. “The damage caused by this neglect is beyond measure.”
The report surveyed five communities in the area highlighting the mould, overcrowding, lack of available housing, water damage, drafts and poor ventilation they have been forced to live with because of decades of severe underfunding by the Federal government. These conditions are having a significant negative impact on the health and wellbeing of the local population.
“I was often told “I’m sorry” or “I’m embarrassed”, but I am grateful people opened their homes and hearts to me. I met Inuit who had done their best in cleaning up and keeping a safe space, all while continuously running into barriers,” added Qaqqaq. “The health and safety of Inuit is the responsibility of all those in positions of power and influence. I will keep pushing for the Federal Government to do the right thing. I will keep fighting for Inuit and Nunavummiut.”