Canada's NDP

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October 1st, 2024

NDP’s statement on Women's History Month 2024

Canada’s NDP leader Jagmeet Singh issued the following statement:

“In October, we mark Women’s History Month in recognition of the women who have shaped our social, political and economic landscape. Thanks to their hard work, activism, and vision, we’ve advanced in building a better, more equal and equitable country.

This year’s theme for Women’s History Month is Women at Work: Economic Growth Past, Present and Future which underlines the important contributions women have made to the workforce throughout Canada’s history, and the critical role they continue to play in driving economic innovation and progress that has benefited our communities, regions, cities and country. We recognize that future economic growth must better benefit women, who are still paid less than men for the same work.

Every woman and girl in Canada, and around the world, should have a safe space to grow, learn, succeed and build the life they want. Recently, we’ve witnessed heightened rhetoric threatening the freedoms and autonomy of women, girls and non-binary people, around the world and here at home. New Democrats will always fight bullies who undermine the rights of women and the things they depend on like affordable, quality daycare, access to reproductive health care, good and equal wages that allow them to live and take care of their families, the supports they need in the face of rising gender-based violence and policies that advance gender equity.

New Democrats strongly believe that there is no social progress in Canada without justice and equity for the women who lead us forward.

This Women’s History Month, let’s recommit to working together to building a country where women, girls and non-binary people can be safe, happy and fulfilled.”