Canada's NDP

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October 1st, 2023

NDP Statement on Seniors' Day

NDP Seniors Critic Rachel Blaney made the following statement:

“Canadian seniors have spent their entire lives shaping Canada as we know it. Today, we celebrate past and present contributions our seniors are making in Canada – while also recognizing that, more than ever, Canadian seniors are struggling and need support.

Poverty amongst seniors is only rising in the face of the cost-of-living crisis, especially for elderly women. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for seniors to afford their medications, housing and groceries. For many families, this means adult children are having to step in more and more to help their elderly parents with covering their bills.

It’s not right – but there are things that can be done to improve the situation many seniors are in. New Democrats fought to get dental care for seniors- so that they don’t have to make difficult choices so that they can go to the dentist. And this is just the start.

The NDP is also fighting to get a National Pharmacare program in place by the end of the year so that seniors don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars out of pocket for the medications they need. We’ve also been calling for the government to raise the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) so everyone can retire and live in dignity.

And we’re doing all of this in spite of the Liberals and Conservatives trying to block both dental care and pharmacare at every step of the way.

While the Liberals delay and ignore seniors, and the Conservatives fight for policies that actively hurt our elders, like cutting the Canadian Pension Plan, New Democrats are uplifting seniors and fighting for better.

On this National Seniors Day, New Democrats are demanding better support to get Canadian seniors through these tough economic times.”