Canada's NDP

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June 1st, 2024

NDP Statement on National Indigenous History Month 2024

Leader of Canada’s NDP Jagmeet Singh, issued the following statement:

"This month marks National Indigenous History month. During the month of June, we recognize and celebrate the diverse heritage and history of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Indigenous peoples have thrived and been stewards over the land since time immemorial, and their histories, stories and culture have created the country that we know today. Canada’s colonial history has resulted in the need to move further towards reconciliation.
First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples have a long history of keeping languages, cultures and identities alive, and we acknowledge their strength. Indigenous history cannot be separated from the genocide and colonialism that continue to be felt by Indigenous peoples and Canadians to this day.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Women and Girls have revealed the ongoing systemic racism and intergenerational trauma that Survivors and their families still live with today. The government is still too slow to implement the Calls to Justice and Calls to Action and we urge them to implement all recommendations without delay. Indigenous Peoples and Canadians deserve reconciliation.

All Canadians should take this month to educate themselves on the rich culture of Indigenous peoples and to all be apart of reconciliation. First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures must be celebrated and preserved so that current and future generations can heal and thrive.”