Canada's NDP

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May 23rd, 2024

NDP statement marking Vesak

Canada’s NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh issued the following statement:

“Today, on behalf of all New Democrats, I’m extending my warmest wishes to Buddhists in Canada and around the world who are celebrating Vesak, the most sacred day for followers of Gautama Buddha.

On Vesak, many Buddhists will be visiting their local temples, participating in chanting and meditation rituals, and offering gifts to show respect and gratitude for the Buddha’s life and legacy.

This is also an opportunity for us all to reflect on the Buddha’s core teachings of peace, compassion, and service. It’s also an important occasion for us all to recommit to the fight for equality and fairness.

I encourage everyone to embody the values of Vesak by taking some time today to lend a hand to those in need of one and to bring happiness to those around us.”