Canada's NDP

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July 27th, 2024

NDP Statement on Korean War Veterans Day

Jagmeet Singh, Leader of Canada’s NDP, issued the following statement:

“Over 70 years ago today, a ceasefire was signed signaling an end to the Korean War.

This was one of the deadliest conflicts in Canadian history, as over 26,000 Canadian soldiers left their homes to protect peace and liberty on the other side of the world. Of these 26,000 soldiers, more than twelve hundred were wounded, and 516 tragically lost their lives.

Canadian soldiers were crucial to the victory in the Battle of Kapyong, where they successfully held back the Chinese advance along the Kapyong river.

Today, we recognize and honour the courage of our Korean War veterans, many of whom had previously served our country in World War II. Because of their sacrifice, South Koreans are able to live in peace and prosperity today.

All our Veterans deserve our gratitude and respect for their service.

Let’s use today to reflect and appreciate our Veterans and current Canadian Armed Forces, who sacrifice so much to keep the Canadian values of peace and justice safe around the world.”