Canada's NDP

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October 29th, 2023

NDP statement on the first annual International Day of Care and Support

NDP Disability and Inclusion and Deputy Health critic Bonita Zarrillo made the following statement:

“New Democrats raise their hands in gratitude to both unpaid and paid caregivers on this day, and everyday. Care work is essential to Canada’s future, yet it’s often undervalued and underappreciated.”

Canada relies on care workers in health care, child care, education, long-term care and more – but, often, workers in these fields, who are mostly women and racialized people, are mistreated and are underpaid, and they have been ignored by governments.

For decades, Liberal and Conservative governments have paid little to no attention to care workers. Even after a global pandemic, where we’ve never needed more care work, the Liberals are still letting women down, and our health care system has paid the price.

New Democrats know that Canada’s care workers deserve respect, not just through words, but with action. The NDP tabled a report at the beginning of the year that called on the government to put in place real solutions for training, recruiting, retaining and respecting nurses and other care economy workers.

Then we called on the government to make the caregiver tax credit refundable – to put $1,250 back into the pockets of caregivers looking after loved ones in the home.

Care workers deserve fair pay, and good working conditions too. Today, New Democrats are recommitting to raising awareness for the incredible work caregivers do and to fight for gender equity and protect care workers in our economy.”