Canada's NDP

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May 31st, 2024

NDP opposing government’s change that would allow more MPs to get a pension

OTTAWA – In question period on Friday morning, NDP Democratic Reform critic Lisa Marie Barron asked the government to remove a proposed change in their electoral reform legislation that would make an additional 80 Members of Parliament eligible for a pension.

“New Democrats want to make sure voting is easier and more accessible for Canadians. That’s why pushed the Liberal government to have more days when Canadians can vote and more flexibility about where they can show up to vote,” said Barron. “But these changes have to be in the best interests of Canadians, not for the financial gain of politicians.”

The Liberals are trying to move the fixed October 20, 2025 election date to October 27, 2025. The justification for this proposal provided to the NDP was to accommodate Diwali with no mention of the 80 additional Members of Parliament who would qualify for a pension if they were not re-elected.

“When New Democrats are looking at legislation, we’re focused on making sure the plan will work for Canadians and on ensuring the most access possible for voters— we’re not thinking of ourselves,” said Barron. “Diwali is an important religious holiday, and making sure that those celebrating have more time and opportunity to vote in the next election is essential. But the consequence of changing the election that benefits MPs, whether it’s intentional or not, doesn’t sit right with Canadians struggling with the high cost of living.

The point of making changes to the election process is to make sure Canadians are able to engage in politics, cast their ballot and to have their voices heard, not to fuel mistrust amongst Canadians. That’s why, today, I asked the Liberals if they’ll support our proposal to keep the original election date in place.”