December 14th, 2017
NDP: Liberals must maintain net neutrality
OTTAWA – Today, the United States’ Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order, which put in place net neutrality protections for consumers. The NDP is calling on the Liberal government to commit to maintaining net neutrality and to commit to refusing changes in trade negotiations with the United States.
“Although this is a decision taken by the United States, it will very likely affect Canadians. Many of Canadians’ favourite sites could be affected by this decision, especially if they are forced to pay to make sure their content isn’t throttled by big corporations,” said NDP Innovation Critic Brian Masse. “Net neutrality also empowers business competition. If the Liberals don’t commit to keeping it, it could suppress anyone using the internet to compete and grow their ideas into businesses or products available to Canadians.”
All parties in Canada have supported net neutrality, but the Minister of Canadian Heritage announced an upcoming review of the Telecommunications Act and Broadcasting Act, which could put net neutrality up for debate. The Liberals must commit to maintaining net neutrality.
“The NDP remains committed to ensuring the Internet remains a level playing field,” said NDP Public Safety Critic Matthew Dubé. “We need a commitment from the Liberal government that they will not only maintain net neutrality, but that they’ll also refuse to consider changes during trade or other bilateral negotiations with the United States.”