Canada's NDP

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October 7th, 2022

NDP: Government misrepresenting their support for Indigenous mental health

NDP critic for Indigenous Services, Northern Affairs and Crown-Indigenous Relations Lori Idlout made the following statement:

“Mental health is health – and Nunavummiut deserve a government that will support culturally appropriate ways to address suicide. We call on the government to follow through on their commitments for funding for Indigenous mental health.

In Budget 2022, the government committed $228 million dollars for culturally appropriate, Indigenous-led mental health services for over two years. The announcement of $11 million dollars today does very little to assure Indigenous communities that they’ll get the help they have been promised. It is no where near enough.

When the minister was asked today about this huge disparity between what was promised in Budget 2022 and the Liberal platform, she said that their commitment to mental health is also being delivered through housing programs. While adequate housing is an important part of maintaining mental health, it is very disappointing to Nunavummiut facing mental health crises and suicide rates 10 times the national average that Minister Hajdu pointed to their Indigenous housing funding in response to their lack of action on their Indigenous mental health commitments.

Indigenous peoples rightly expect more from this government who continue to talk about reconciliation without delivering on their promises. Sadly, after seven years of the Liberal governments hollow words, it is not surprising to see them unwilling to act on suicide prevention in Nunavut in a meaningful and sustained way.

New Democrats will continue the work to help people who are most at risk in our Northern communities and push the government to prioritize the needs of Nunavummiut. We will fight to make sure every Indigenous community gets the funding they were promised to put an end to the suicide crisis.”