Canada's NDP

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December 6th, 2023

Liberals and Conservatives team up to vote against stronger environmental protections for Canadians

OTTAWA – On Wednesday, NDP Emergency Preparedness and Climate Resiliency critic Richard Cannings moved a bill that would have recognized the right of all Canadians to live in a healthy environment and would hold governments to account for their existing obligations to uphold that right. But the Liberals and Conservatives teamed up to vote against it.

“The damage that has been done to our communities because of climate change, especially after this past wildfire season, has impacted every aspect of people’s lives – Canadians want to have more say on Canada’s environment,” said Cannings. “What New Democrats proposed would have guaranteed a healthier planet and given residents more of a say in environmental decision-making. It’s disappointing that the Liberal government would vote against that when they claim to champion the environment.”

In the eight years Liberals have been in power, Justin Trudeau and Minister Guilbeault have publicly supported making a healthy environment a right, but they have come up short. Over 100 countries have guaranteed people this right, but not Canada.

“This is typical behaviour when it comes to the Liberals. They make big environmental promises and celebrate their climate plans – then fail to deliver,” added Cannings. “And the Conservatives can’t even agree amongst themselves if climate change is man-made, let alone support environmental protections.”

“New Democrats believe that you have the right to live in a clean, healthy environment and that you deserve to be able to hold the government to account on their environmental obligations. We will keep working to protect our environment and take on the climate crisis.”