Canada's NDP

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May 8th, 2018

It's time to turn hurt into hope, and hope into momentum

This is my promise to you, for as long as I am Leader:

Over the next 18 months, we need to come together, and grow our movement into one that’s stronger than ever.

We believe in this party, in the work we’re doing, and in the need to form a New Democratic government. But if we’re going to do it, we need to do it together.

Fundraising is critical for us – we need to raise money to win – but I want everyone feeling valued and welcomed in our movement.

That’s why I’ve instructed our team to make some immediate changes with how we raise money, that I hope you’ll take a moment to review by clicking here.

In 2015, we had an amazing moment.

We were official opposition, and things were looking as good as they ever have for our party. Our supporters dug deep. You donated – many beyond what you could afford. You volunteered. You poured your energy and your hearts into our party for that victory.

And then it didn’t happen - and it hurt.

I remember how I felt that night – you may have felt the same way. We were once again the third party, facing a big election debt, no public funding, and the loss of some of the strongest members of our team. I love this party and it was devastating.

I ran for leader to strengthen our party and lead us to forming government in 2019. That means dealing with our financial realities. But most importantly, it means building trust with you. When we talk about our ground game, you’re who we’re talking about. You’re more than loyal donors and supporters – you’re the team that can win us this election.

I want to change the culture of our party, so we can be stronger than ever.

And I’m starting with the way we treat our donors.

I want to raise the bar because I want to win and form government in 2019.

And we need all of you to help do that.

Please take a moment to review my promise to you, and put me and my team to the test by clicking here.

With love & courage,

Jagmeet Singh

Leader, Canada's NDP