Canada's NDP

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April 23rd, 2023

Jagmeet Singh wants to stop renovictions and save affordable homes

BURNABY – On Sunday, the Leader of Canada’s NDP, Jagmeet Singh, announced his plan to stop renovictions, save affordable homes and lower rent for Canadians. The NDP is proposing to create an affordable home acquisition fund and introduce a moratorium on housing profiteers from buying existing affordable housing.

“Everyone should be able to find a place they can afford that’s safe and fits their family. But right now, sky-high rent is forcing people to leave the neighbourhoods they love, where their family, friends and jobs are,” said Singh. ‘’Here in British Columbia, the NDP government has taken this crisis seriously, but they need a federal partner that gets it. Justin Trudeau keeps acting like everything is fine while Canadians feel the squeeze of the housing crisis and it’s just getting worse.”

Under the Liberal government, too many Canadians are getting renovicted, rent is up by 60 per cent, and Canada is losing affordable homes at a rate that is faster than affordable homes being built. Big corporate landlords, looking to increase their profits, are buying up affordable housing stock and renovicting tenants to build luxury housing. As Poilievre’s housing plan will only make super-rich investors and big developers even richer, the NDP is introducing concrete measures to help Canadians afford their homes.

"For too long, successive Liberals and Conservatives governments have let housing profiteers use the housing market as a casino instead of protecting people,” said Singh. “This needs to stop. The federal government must act to stop renovictions, preserve the affordable homes we have and build more, faster."