Canada's NDP

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September 2nd, 2021

Jagmeet Singh: optimistic, determined, and ready to fight for people

MONTREAL — While meeting with people in Montreal today, ahead of the election campaign’s first televised debate, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh talked about the choice that people in Quebec and across Canada are facing in this election.

“After six years, Canadians have learned Justin Trudeau often says the right thing but doesn’t have any intention of following through,” said Jagmeet. “I don’t work for billionaires and big corporations. My team of New Democrats and I mean what we say, and we’re ready to fight for working families. That’s the choice before Canadians and the choice we’ll be talking about in debate tonight.”

Justin Trudeau is running again on a platform full of commitments he and his party have been promising for years – even decades – but have never fulfilled. In fact, in many cases during the minority parliament, Trudeau teamed up with the Conservatives to vote against the things he is now promising. While Trudeau claims he wants to make medication more affordable and fix long-term care, he teamed up with the Conservatives to vote against pharmacare and taking profit out of long-term care.

Even within the current platform, there are a number of examples that show Trudeau doesn’t mean the commitments he is currently making. Justin Trudeau likes to say he’s for families, but his plan lets the richest people pay the least in taxes; he talks about climate action, but he’s still subsidizing oil and gas companies and letting emissions increase; and he talks about the housing crisis, but he has driven up housing prices.

“Some of Justin Trudeau’s pre-election commitments, like lifting the blood donation ban and pharmacare didn’t even make it into his platform,” said Jagmeet. “Canadians can’t afford any more of Justin Trudeau’s empty promises. I’m not Justin Trudeau. I will keep fighting for you.”