Canada's NDP

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February 24th, 2022

Empty Liberal words hurting women in the armed forces

NDP defence critic, Lindsay Mathyssen, made the following statement:

“I can’t imagine how members of the armed forces are feeling today after yet another senior officer in Canada’s military has been charged with sexual assault. Despite saying the right things and offering sympathy, the fact is the Prime Minister and his Liberal government have allowed this toxic sexual culture to prosper while women pay the price.

For six years, Justin Trudeau hasn’t even done the bare minimum in implementing the recommendations by Justice Deschamps. Instead, his inaction has protected the powerful men at the top.

New Democrats have continuously called on the Prime Minister to move past empty words and take urgent action so that women in the CAF can serve equally. We will not back down until he shows real leadership to address this dangerous culture that he has let flourish. Canadians deserve better.”