Canada's NDP

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Jagmeet Singh: Fighting for You

Jagmeet Singh:
Fighting for You

For six years now we’ve heard Justin Trudeau say the right thing – with no intention of doing it.

He told you he would introduce a universal pharmacare program, but voted against it and left you to pay for prescriptions out of pocket.

He told you he was going to reform our outdated election system, but Canadians are still not having their voice heard at the polls.

He told you he’d tackle climate change, but instead spent billions on massive subsidies to fossil fuel companies and a pipeline.

It isn’t just what you say that matters, it’s what you do. Jagmeet Singh and the NDP want to build a better future for every Canadian – not talk about it. That means:

  • Making life more affordable for you and your family by introducing universal pharmacare.
  • Taxing the very wealthy to fund the recovery and tackle the climate crisis
  • Making sure every vote counts by strengthening our democracy with fair and progressive election reforms.

We know you’re ready for better. We’re ready too.