Canada's NDP

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June 20th, 2024

NDP moves plan to tackle grocery ‘shrinkflation’

OTTAWA – On Wednesday, NDP critic for Food Price Inflation critic Alistair MacGregor (Cowichan—Malahat—Langford) tabled a bill in the House of Commons to help end shrinkflation, the practice of food products being made smaller for the same cost.

If passed, MacGregor’s bill would establish a national framework to improve food price transparency through standardized unit pricing, and public awareness for consumers about shrinkflation practices.

“Canadians have been watching food prices increase for years, and while costs have gone up, the size of what we’re buying has shrunk,” said MacGregor. “The food products you used to buy still cost the same if not more, but you’re getting less for your dollar. Shrinkflation is another way grocery CEOs are gouging people and making record profits.”

Over the last three years, the cost of food has increased by over 20 per cent and food bank usage is at a 35-year high. Food Banks Canada reported that 6 million Canadians live below or at the poverty line and cannot keep up with high food prices.

Despite this, the Liberals have done little to stand up to grocery CEOs and lower prices for Canadians. They even voted against every measure in NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh’s bill to lower costs for Canadians by tackling price fixing from major grocery chains and ban harmful mergers that reduce options and increase prices for consumers. The Conservatives, on the other hand, refuse to acknowledge that corporate greed is driving up costs, have voted against making CEOs pay their fair share and against measures to end handouts to the richest CEOs, like Loblaws and Costco.

“You shouldn’t be paying more for the food you and your family need, only to get less. Especially all so CEOs can line their pockets even more,” added MacGregor. “The problem is that the Liberals keep delaying action because they don’t want to stand up to these rich CEOs, and the Conservatives are working to make sure these CEOs get more, while you get less.

“New Democrats want to get more money back into your pocket, lower prices and make sure that you’re getting the most for your dollar. It’s why I brought forward this plan to tackle shrinkflation, and I’m urging all parties to support it. It’s the least the government could do.”