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September 23rd, 2024

NDP Foreign Affairs critic calls on Joly to stop delaying action for peace and justice for Palestinians and Israelis

OTTAWA — On Monday, NDP Foreign Affairs critic Heather McPherson called on Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly to stop further delay and act urgently for justice and peace for Palestinians and Israelis.

"Violence against civilians in the Middle East is increasing and Canada is nowhere to be found," said Heather McPherson. "The ongoing genocide in Gaza, increasing risk of annexation in the West Bank, killings of hostages, and escalation of violence now threatening civilians in Lebanon, requires an urgent response from this Minister, who has spent the past eleven months avoiding real action."

In an urgent letter sent to the Minister on Monday, McPherson called on the Liberal government to take three specific actions: recognize the State of Palestine, impose sanctions on Israeli leaders responsible for the genocide in Gaza and annexation in the West Bank, and impose a full and immediate arms embargo on Israel.

McPherson stressed that none of the three actions require an act of Parliament.

“They are decisions that you, personally, can take today, as Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs,” wrote McPherson. “Canadians are calling for an end to the genocide and an end to the occupation, and for a real peace process that will permit Israelis and Palestinians to be free of this horror.”