Canada's NDP

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May 1st, 2024

A National Brain Injury Strategy will bring much-needed supports for Canadians

OTTAWA — On Wednesday, NDP MP Alistair MacGregor’s bill to create a National Brain Injury Strategy will be debated in Parliament.

In a press conference on Wednesday, joined by experts and advocates in support of his bill, MacGregor said it’s time for the Liberal government to act by supporting his plan to create a National Brain Injury Strategy, as more than 1.5 million Canadians have been left to cope with the aftermaths of brain injuries alone.

“Athletes and workers on the job are the most likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries. But there are no national strategies for preventing injuries or supporting people who suffer a brain injury,” said MacGregor. “As our hospitals are overburdened, brain injury patients often fall through the cracks. They have to pay for their own care out of pocket—it doesn’t have to be this way. I invite all parliamentarians to support my bill so we can deliver the support these patients need.”

Despite the staggering number of Canadians who suffer from brain injury, people aren’t getting the services and supports they need. Often, support services for families and brain-injury survivors operate as non-profit organizations with little or no government funding. The need for a comprehensive national strategy that includes brain injury awareness, prevention, treatment, and the holistic recovery of Canadians struggling with brain injuries is paramount.

“We can make a difference in the lives of thousands of Canadians who suffer from brain injury and feel left behind and unheard by the Liberals,” said MacGregor. “A National Strategy on Brain Injury would ensure more awareness, improve treatment and prevent more injury from happening.”